Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Social Engineering Dangers

    Someone once said or wrote “When there is a will, there is a way.” This is the information age and we are dealing with professional information thieves/organizations. Just like the...

  • RE: To The Max

    Santosh, If you have not already done so, check to see what jobs are running every two weeks and run traces against these jobs. Recycle the SQL Server Logs more...

  • RE: DTS: File import with error logs and uninterrupted import

    Incubus Online,

    Before you do anything else, save the package as a different DTS package. Then...

    Two things to change within the DTS:

    Go to menu > package > Disconnected Edit then go...

  • RE: Is this possible? Use @DBVarableName

    Here is a script that I got from this web site to backup all the databases. If your running the same script on all the databases, create a procedure and replace...

  • RE: Login to Remote Servers in Live IP


    While in the Enterprise Manager, go to "Register SQL Server Wizard.” (Either right click on a server icon and choose “New SQL Server Registration” or go to the MMC tools menu...

  • RE: The log segment in my Sql Server database has filled up...

    Hi Dan,

    Again, first backup your database, then try this:

    Use Master


    -- Truncating the transaction log

    BACKUP LOG <Database Name>



    Use <Database Name>


    -- Shrink Physical File:

    DBCC SHRINKFILE ('<Database Logical Filename>', TRUNCATEONLY)


  • RE: Looking for the inverse of xp_fixeddrives

    I thought I found this script on this website. Below is a script that can be run against the server to get the fixed drive total space:

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_diskspace



Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)