Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Diff between the Delay validation and validate External meta data Property

    Its not showing the error detail.

    I have written a script component to handle error(only file is sending to Error Directory) which have input from a failure of FlatFileSource (in which...

  • RE: Diff between the Delay validation and validate External meta data Property

    Hi Koen,

    I have a question, in DataFlowTask, we have a FlatFileSource which have number of columns and few columns needs some transformation/manipulation and get derived columns before sending to sql...

  • RE: Get Month Name

    SELECT DATENAME(month, @MonthNumber)

    Example: SELECT DATENAME(month,1)

    Result: January

  • RE: Require help to get number of hits to sql server 2008 R2 in a day


    I meant that number of transactions in a database,

    I got the answer by some R & D:

    select * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters

    where Ltrim(rtrim(object_name)) = 'SQLServer:Databases'

    and instance_name = 'DBNAME' ...

  • RE: Require help to retrieve data from a table

    Thanks SSCrazy, it helps me alot.


  • RE: Calculating date

    You can try the same as Mr. Ten Centuries suggested with some modification

    create TABLE t1 (ID INT, Date DATETIME, [User] VARCHAR(10), Action VARCHAR(10))


    SELECT 22, '8/16/2012 12:10:36', 'A',...

  • RE: Database table, columns and types + more TSQL

    Nice Job...



  • RE: Outer join not working correctly

    The statement is wrong:

    You have written the Right Outer Join but this include the columns on which it have the join.

    Try to post the query as prescribed in below link:


  • RE: SQL Replication Question

    It will conflict only in the Primary Key case....



  • RE: How to log in to sql server ??[If Sa disbaled ]

    Log on with Windows Authentication Privelages and change the password for sa, perhaps take care of applications with same sa paswords (incase).


    Sumit Rastogi

  • RE: Restore DB - LOG file

    The Log file is basically maintaining the logs of transactions and it must be included as it helps to view the previous level, but you can truncate it if...

  • RE: subquery

    Try this one:

    select * from Table1(nolock) T1 where T1.column1 in (select T2.column1 from Table2(nolock) T2 order by T2.column1 desc)


    Sumit Rastogi

  • RE: Addition Of Digits

    declare @string varchar(max) = '25475675675675675675675675675587876865674553334645647656786867879789780890890789676565674545634343453445675756756786867897978978078997896785657454563445345234534645675678768997807867567456342323167567567567567567567567567567567567567567567665756756756756756756756756756756756756756767876879789797287686782567345345289789797278978978978979245645622222245645622222222435645645645646364564564564564564564564564564564564564564564564562'

    declare @S varchar(1)

    declare @totalcount int = 0

    declare @count int

    set @count = LEN(@string)

    while (@count != 0)


    set @count = @count - 1

    set @S=convert(int,left(@string, 1))


  • RE: Convert CHAR to DATETIME

    For retrieving all records of before 5 hours, you can write your query as:

    SELECT *

    FROM [MSSQL_PerfmonCollector].[dbo].[CounterData] (NOLOCK) T

    WHERE Convert(Datetime, T.CounterDateTime) < DATEADD(HH,-5,GETDATE())


    Sumit 🙂

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)