Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: GROUP BY problem

    Hi Rob,

    just to let you know. I adjusted your SP for my needs and found out following:

    Ok, I didn't mentioned that I can have also day 0 (zero); because of...

  • RE: GROUP BY problem

    Hi Rob,

    I really don't know what to say. That's absolutely fantastic; thank you so so so much; and the very best thing is -> IT REALLY WORKS.

    That rocks !!!!

  • RE: GROUP BY problem

    May be it's confusing what I mean with "in a row". I don't mean a line or record. What I mean is that one day comes after the next day....

  • RE: GROUP BY problem

    Ok, it's just one table from where I need this information:

    Table name: RTHotels


    RT_ID int

    Hotel_ID int

    [Day] int

    The query I mentioned is a Stored Procedure and works fine when the days  per...

  • RE: Please help with SQL statement.

    As I can read in your question you want to have ALL customer missing at least one record and how I understand the P.S. note is, that you have to...

  • RE: Compare two tables

    Sorry, the select statement I just sent before is to find duplicated records in one table; was stupid.

    But the basic what I mean...

  • RE: Compare two tables

    What exacatly you mean with compare? Do you want to show to the user doubble records or a total of maching records (like same client code or ID)?

    For example finding duplicated...

  • RE: Cant connect to database

    I had also a connection problem; since I add in the connection string following statement it works:

    <Network Library=DBMSSCOCN>

    "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;DATA SOURCE=your IP;Initial Catalog=your DB;UID=your User;PWD=your PW"

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)