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Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: easy question - taking db out of read only mode

    I did.

    The problem is that I'm finding several ways to do this. Which is fine as long as they are all valid, all lead to the same results and so...

  • RE: restore backup versus detach / attach move

    Thanks Michelle =)

  • RE: backup question

    Just to be clear, you don't think that backing up the transaction logs tonite will remove those inactive transactions?

    What doesn't make sense to me (again, I'm not a dba, just...

  • RE: backup question

    It has:

    Transaction log space: 49381.05MB and then breaks it down in used: 653.85 and free: 48727.2MB.

    It doesn't break them down by tlog (where I'm looking anyway) and the "free" part interests...

  • RE: backup question

    Yes, I double checked and the integration_log is specified in the db as a tlog.

  • RE: backup question


    If both are set to auto grow and they are on the same disk, why would someone have set up 2 logs?

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    Ok, cool.

    I think I found the issue, the tlog backup had not finished when the db backup had started. That would explain why the 2nd tlog was not backed up and...

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    Ok folks, I was able to find some temp storage and the first tlog backup was successful and that tlog went from 48GB to 4GB. Woohoo, thanks for all of...

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    If I were to detach the db, rename the tlog and reattach the db to let it create a new one, could I then do PIT restores using the renamed...

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    When you say "live w/o the log" you mean live w/o being able to do point in time rollbacks?

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    Yes, like I said in the original post, it is in full recovery mode and as I also mentioned they did not set it up for tlog backups so I...

  • RE: LARGE tlog

    Thanks for the response Michael.

    I found the procedure you mention here (as well as BOL):

    But it says to first back up the log file which I can't do...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)