Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)

  • RE: Tabs or Spaces

    Death to char(9) in SQL code:

    1. Indented code characters will move one space, more than one space (depending on what user preference was) or not at all when inserting/deleting...

  • RE: Tabs or Spaces

    We share a peeve.

  • RE: 15 Quick Short Interview Questions Useful When Hiring SQL Developers

    ...approaching Senior level in my career, the most critical part of my job NOW is interpreting Execution Plans, minimizing logical reads, minimizing deadlocking, etc...none of which this test even touches.


  • RE: Table-Column Data Profiler

    To suppress Min, Max and Modal Values, a CASE statement or an OUTER JOIN on data_types is needed in the SQL string area. If I had time I would...

  • RE: Database Admin for new future

    sqlpanther (2/19/2013)

    1. Will cloud computing consume DBA jobs.

    2. Is there a way I can do some cloud computing courses which will be related to DBA, I heard about hadoop, and...

  • RE: Table-Column Data Profiler

    SteveBell (2/20/2013)

    Hi Todd,

    I just tried your script and I like it!


    SteveBell (2/20/2013)

    A couple of questions:


    SteveBell (2/20/2013)

    1. Can it be modified to loop through all tables in a...

  • RE: Table-Column Data Profiler

    Thanks Steve

    I am not guaranteeing anything because I never allow use of varchar(max) and have no way to test it, BUT

    for Varchar(max) types to work, change this statement:


  • RE: Table-Column Data Profiler

    Thanks forgot about bit. This should work on bit (other data types?) as well...

    DECLARE @Cat_Sch_TableName varchar(128) = 'HRIS.dbo.E20130201'

    -- Initialize fully qualified object name; script can be used like a...

  • RE: Table-Column Data Profiler

    Glad someone found it helpful. Here is an update that includes (Distinct) Value Counts:

    DECLARE @Cat_Sch_TableName varchar(128) = 'HRIS.NTC.D20130201'

    -- Initialize fully qualified object name; script can be used like a...

  • RE: Using The Kimball Dimensional Modeling Tool

    Jim -

    What does the tool cost? Is there maintenance? How much time did it save on the first use and how much is it likely to save in...

  • RE: Disk Is Cheap! ORLY?

    But a fixed-width column (numeric types, date/time types, and char/nchar/binary types) will always take up the same amount of space regardless if it is set to NULL or...

  • RE: Disk Is Cheap! ORLY?

    Oh another thing that chews up space is thoughtlessly adding or misusing a set of audit columns to every single table regardless of how the table is used. For...

  • RE: Disk Is Cheap! ORLY?

    I know I am a few months late to this game, but I wanted to give you a compliment and issue a small caveat.

    Compliment: great article. It is reassuring,...

  • RE: An nHibernate Head Scratcher

    In my experience, use of so-called ORM (Object-Relational Management) tools create as many or more problems than they solve. There are many times we haven't got a choice because a...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 18 total)