Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 283 total)

  • RE: Nesting Transaction

    No use whatsoever? I wouldn't say that. I suppose the designers' idea was that every level could reach the end where it would decide either to commit or raise an...

  • RE: The Reading Poll

    The number of books I read varies so much. One year I may only read (or parse) a few technical books and the next I may read 20-30 novels and...

  • RE: When to use SQL Server cursors ?

    Well, all you've done is convert an execute statement that's in a loop to a series of execute statements -- which seems to me to be largely a distinction without...

  • RE: Applying multiple criteria in a SELECT statement

    Florian Reischl (4/3/2009)

    Hi Tomm

    Hope you allow to palm your sample data!

    That's what it's there for. I just wish more OPs would include it so we could all be working with...

  • RE: When to use SQL Server cursors ?

    RBarryYoung (4/1/2009)

    As of SQL Server 2005 and later, the only time that you should use Cursors is when you actually want a procedure to run slower.

    I disagree wholeheartedly. The much...

  • RE: Applying multiple criteria in a SELECT statement

    Vijaya Kadiyala (4/2/2009)

    ...are you thinking about partitoins.

    Partitioning is "DBA stuff" so that is outside his scope.

    Here is another solution. INTERSECT is needed when merging data from queries executed against different...

  • RE: Database Design

    Here is one way. Create a "master" shape table to reference each individual shape and a separate shape table for each shape. This is done in a way so that...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Lisa Fox (3/16/2009)

    How about

    No pay cuts

    Raises every year

    No offshoring of our jobs


    Matching 401k

    Then go to work for the Government.

    A coworker left to get a job with the State of AZ...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Matt Miller (3/6/2009)

    With all due respect - what we choose to value above everything else is a cultural thing. Irish does have a point that in our American culture,...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Anye Mercy (3/6/2009)

    Also, "if you don't like it, do something about it" works a lot better in a booming economy than one that is a hair away from depression...

    In a...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    Irish Flyer (3/6/2009)

    What you do for a living shouldn't NECESSARILY be "What have you chosen to give your life meaning?"

    It's not a question of necessity. It just is. The meaning...

  • RE: Union Benefits

    • Retraining - Just about every company I've worked for in the last 25 years has encouraged and paid for (at least heavily supplemented) the costs involved. What more could we...

  • RE: How to transpose Columns to rows

    ...or properly normalize the tables. You'd be amazed at how simple queries become when the tables are modeled correctly. It's kinda, like, y-know, the whole point of data modeling. 😀

  • RE: Self Join Query

    Part of the problem is that you don't have nulls where you do need them. You want to have a self-referential chain of departments and sub-departments. That is fine, but...

  • RE: Loop Stored Proc

    I have no idea what you are trying to accomplish. If the proc returns an integer value, you can store it into an integer variable similar to calling a function.


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 283 total)