Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)

  • RE: Offloading Historical Data Periodically

    Looks like your scenario is a good deal more complex than mine, Ray. Thanks for putting things in perspective!

    I am still thinking that some sort of batch is the way...

  • RE: Offloading Historical Data Periodically

    Ah, I think I should have clarified... Customers need to be able to report on the last year's worth of data, but on rare occasions we may run a special-request...

  • RE: Can't Install 2005 SP2, need to move DB & server config

    I have attempted to re-run the SP2 setup several times, but I have not tried the repair option from control panel's Add/Remove programs.

    I will try that this evening and report...

  • RE: Another PIVOT or Transpose Question

    That is one I did not find.. .thanks for the link!

    Although I was still hoping to find something simpler, this is working for us at the moment.

  • RE: Using bit flags in large tables

    Thanks for the warning, Joe. Fortunately these rows in question are already child rows themselves. They will theoretically never need to be accessed by the end user and only exist...

  • RE: Using bit flags in large tables

    About 99% of the rows in our table have an IsActive value of 1. I am still leaning toward moving the inactive rows to another table.

    After running an index defrag...

  • RE: Using bit flags in large tables

    Stats update is definitely overdue, and something I will run later this evening.

    I modified the query in question, eliminating the references to IsActive, and the execution plan is lot more...

  • RE: Using bit flags in large tables

    Thank you for the replies.

    Actually, we have many queries that hit this table, using a variety of column combinations in joins/where clause. Most utilize the "IsActive = 1".

    I noticed...

  • RE: Suppressing Events Windows Event Log

    Thanks for the info, FP, but alas, the "Write to Windows Application event log" is not checked!

    I agree with you about keeping a log of the execution/status. Note that I...

Viewing 9 posts - 16 through 24 (of 24 total)