Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Bookmark Lookups

    I'm surprised at the lack of response to this article and votes for it over the last year. This is pretty important for optimization. I think the best advice from...

  • RE: FYI: Multiple values in an SRS parameter

    Ha! I knew it has to be somewhere. Guess my search needed to be "multivalue" and not multi parameter. Try as I might to search it always comes down to...

  • RE: Another DBA Whoops

    I think that the orginal article is a classic mistake. I didn't see the error at first because the issue with the column name distracted me, it is odd that...

  • RE: Hexidecimal to Decimal

    Well actually it's

    declare @S nvarchar(40), @sval int

    set @S = 'select @sval = 0x2C'

    exec master.dbo.sp_executesql @S, N'@sval int out', @sval out

    select @sval

    And it works...

  • RE: Hexidecimal to Decimal

    I need to be able to pass a varchar field into a function to get back the decimal. All my data is stored in a varchar field due to the...

  • RE: Hexidecimal to Decimal

    I tried that one, I couldn't get it to go back into a string. Thanks for the help.

  • RE: Hexidecimal to Decimal

    I decided to start from scratch on this and find out how to manually convert the a hex number to a decimal. There was a great article about this on...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)