Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Implicit conversion from datatype......

    Doesn't seem to be a clear reason why you might be getting that error, but I would start by checking the data types of the value being assigned to @count2....

  • RE: Ranking in tsql

    Hi, I don't know if there's a difference in the t-sql in 2005 and 2000, but I know this works in SQL Server 2005:

    select employee,...

  • RE: openquery/linked server on remote box

    Are you using the IP address to do this?

    I had a problem a while back trying to connect to a Sybase from SQL, it would work on the server box,...

  • RE: SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

    Thanks a lot guys, that helps a lot...I'm currently running the trial edition and it comes with everything, but it doesn't specifically indicate for each tool, which edition it's available in.


  • RE: accessing tables on one server from a different server

    If I understand your concern, I think all you really need to do is use a "union" to gather all the information required for the report you are trying to run.

    You can...

  • RE: Bulk insert with format file

    You could just use them SQL Bulk Insert via Query Analyzer:

    BULK INSERT tableName

       FROM '.....txt'



            formatfile = '........fmt'





  • RE: can not enable SQL server Agent mail

    David is right, you have to make sure you have a MAPI client set up on the server first.

    Then you need to execute an extended stored procedure:

    exec sp_startmail

    This should initailize...

  • RE: At what point are commits done for triggers

    Triggers are commited right after execution...which means if you have 3 triggers doing inserts, after the first and before the next is triggered, it's commited.

    If I may suggest, if all triggers...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)