Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 181 through 188 (of 188 total)

  • RE: dynamic source sql string in transformation

    Here was my final solution:

    I used ADO in an ActiveX Script to generate the sourceSQL string, stuffed it in a global variable, then assigned this string to the sourceSQL string...

  • RE: New Discussion Forum

    Can we talk about Excel too? I would like to set a pivotcache to an ADO recordset from my SQL Server database but all the syntax I have found...

  • RE: Export data to CSV files

    You can use the filesystem object in an activeX script to manipulate files and their paths. Capture the new path\file in a global string variable and assign it dynamically...

  • RE: Cursor for Update

    This ended up being my solution - not designed for speed for sure but it's not too slow given the size of my dataset - it gives me exactly what...

  • RE: Cursor for Update

    Here is a simplified version of the task:

    Table Lottery

    AcctNo varchar(16)

    Cycle varchar(2)

    Bal numeric(9,2)

    EmpNo varchar(6) - starts as null - want to assign empno's to this field...

  • RE: Run DTS Weekdays Only

    Thanks! Silly me, I assumed I should check daily. :o)

    J. Moseley

  • RE: DTS


    Wrox went out of business in March.

    J. Moseley

    Oops, I spoke too soon. ...

  • RE: DTS


    For some odd reason it seems the Wrox "SQL Server 2000 DTS" book is no longer available. I was looking for...

Viewing 8 posts - 181 through 188 (of 188 total)