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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)

  • RE: Need help in Query Please help!!!

    Sean Lange (1/7/2016)

    Zohaib Anwar (1/7/2016)


    I am trying to build attached query that is mentioned in the word document. I am struck on one point that is point number 3 in...

  • RE: Need help in Query Please help!!!

    Here it is..


    1. Set Set lcLast_Name = get (character position of lcSeperator in 1301_Prestage_PID.cname) - 1 from 1301_Prestage_PID.cname[48 Charactrers]

    2. Set lcFirst_Name = get (character position of lcSeperator in 1301_Prestage_PV1.cname) + 1...

  • RE: Need help in query

    ChrisM@Work (6/10/2015)

    You should be expecting a final query something like this:


    WITH PreAgg AS (


    HourBucket = DATEDIFF(hour,ISNULL(p.DueDate,GETDATE()),CAST(GETDATE() AS DATE))/24,

    paidAmount = ISNULL(SUM(CASE WHEN x.Paid = 1 THEN tdPaid.DebitAmount - tdPaid.CreditAmount ELSE...

  • RE: Need help in query

    If you filter a column of an outer-joined table in the WHERE clause of a query, you turn the join into an INNER JOIN:


  • RE: Need help in query

    GilaMonster (6/10/2015)

    Zohaib Anwar (6/10/2015)

    if we dont put no lock then we get lots of deadlocks in production environment.

    You prefer to add a hint that causes incorrect results rather than address...

  • RE: Need help in query

    Joie Andrew (6/10/2015)

    How big are the Vendors and Payables tables? It seems like most of the query is consumed with this join:

    left join Payables p with (nolock) on p.SalespersonID =...

  • RE: Need help in query

    ChrisM@Work (6/10/2015)

    Zohaib Anwar (6/10/2015)

    I am not sure that case statements are problem may be you can see other area of query improvement also if we dont put no lock then...

  • RE: Need help in query

    I am not sure that case statements are problem may be you can see other area of query improvement also if we dont put no lock then we get lots...

  • RE: Collation error Please help

    Dohsan (5/28/2015)

    Collation will determine how data is sorted and compared, for example should case sensitivity be taken into account when comparing strings etc.

    If in this case each column has a...

  • RE: Need help in sql query

    Sean Lange (4/9/2015)

    Zohaib Anwar (4/9/2015)

    Thanks for the reply Sean

    Can I do it following way ??


    AS (

    SELECT a.lastprdate


    FROM acoalert a

    WHERE a.coalertid = 3000


    SELECT TOP 1000 f.foordno AS "Order #"

    ,f.foprogno AS...

  • RE: Need help in sql query

    Thanks for the reply Sean

    Can I do it following way ??


    AS (

    SELECT a.lastprdate


    FROM acoalert a

    WHERE a.coalertid = 3000


    SELECT TOP 1000 f.foordno AS "Order #"

    ,f.foprogno AS "Program #"

    ,f.alertmssg AS "Pick...

  • RE: Need help in simple query

    Luis Cazares (3/19/2015)

    As previously stated, you're getting a join on matched rows only. The problem is that your first row on table A matches both rows on table B and...

  • RE: Need help in simple query

    Ok, Thanks for the explanation.

    select * from A INNER JOIN B ON A.ID=B.ID

    Please let me know how can we modify above query so that it will gives us only...

  • RE: Need help in simple query

    Alvin Ramard (3/19/2015)

    Why are you inserting the same values in each table twice? This might be causing the unexpected results?

    No, I just did it to explain the situation. I...

  • RE: Need help in simple query

    GilaMonster (3/19/2015)

    No, SQL's giving you an inner join, it's just that your data has every row in one table matching every row of the other table because they're all the...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 40 total)