Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 121 through 127 (of 127 total)

  • RE: Scheduling of maintenance plans

    I prefer not to use the maintenance wizard, but to have procs that backup databases and do maintenance (reindex or index defrag, update stats and recompile). This gives you a...

  • RE: Sql Server Agent Job status "Performing completion actions"

    Is you SQL Server Agent Service running under its own account? If so, any issues with contacting the domain controller. If not - both SQL Services should be running under...

  • RE: Questions about Log Shipping ?

    1. I usually use the primary server that I am log shipping from, but it can be any SQL Server. Doesn't require large resources.

    2. You can monitor from 1 centralised server.


  • RE: Unable to access a SQLServer 6.5 Database (SA passwd forgotten)

    If the security mode is only standard SQL see if you can change it to mixed and be an administrator (as per previous post). Otherwise you can try to use...

  • RE: Record Counts differ in QA vs EM???

    Do an update stats on both databases and then compare the results. I suspect that sysindexes is out.

    Also use select (1) instead of select(*) - it is marginally faster (no...

  • RE: what is a transaction?

    OK - its is a logical unit of work and BOL defines what can be combined in a transaction and what cannot. You need to be aware of the Begin Tran,...

  • RE: Who Owns that Object?

    From my experience all objects that are created in tempdb by default are owned by dbo. However I have seen two instances when this is not true. The first is...

Viewing 7 posts - 121 through 127 (of 127 total)