Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 127 total)

  • RE: Log Shipped reporting database needs different objects, permissions


    Had a similiar situation. Ended up doing a backup on the primary server. Restore to the secondary server. Drop all logins and users in the DB on the secondary server....

  • RE: Database Cloning?

    You could always just script out all of the databse objects, logins, tiggers DRI etc from the primary DB. Modify the script if the location or DB name needs to be...

  • RE: Stored Procedure problem ??

    Have you tried some maintenance on the table - dbcc reindex or indexdefrag )(or drop and recreate the indexes if you can), update stats and then recompile the stored procs....

  • RE: what is S-Lock?

    You can change the type of locks that SQL takes out by changing the transaction isolation level or by using a (no_lock) hint

  • RE: SQL login issues

    How many logins are there on the server - a lot or a few. Doers it always happen to the same database. If so the is it one of the...

  • RE: Table Corruption

    Lots of page splits could lead to corruption being more likely.

    Have you looked at the fillfactor on the indexes and the pad_index factor. This will reduce page splits.

    Do you reindex...

  • RE: Why Be an MCP?

    In the past I was required for my job as a trainer to be certified and therefore I have a few of them. For a trainer you need to be certified. I...

  • RE: Record Counts differ in QA vs EM???

    I cannot prove that count(1) is quicker than count(*) - I was told this by PSS. But my reasoning is that if 1 enumerates quicker than * by a millisecond -...

  • RE: Record Counts differ in QA vs EM???

    1 enumerates quicker than *

  • RE: Record Counts differ in QA vs EM???

    1 enumerates quicker than *

  • RE: Grammar, grammar, grammar

    From my understanding of English (not being an American), the the wording is correct, "Andy and I" is the singular pre tense, whilst "Andy and me" is the plural post...

  • RE: database replication

    Do you want to replicate only one table? Does the data need to be 100% up to date or just on a snahpshot. One way or two way data movement?


  • RE: SQL Server 2000 Transactional Replication can not drop publication

    Suspect that somebody has deleted the snapshot job and now trying to drop the publication doesn't work.

    Only option would be to disable the publisher and start again.

  • RE: SQL Profiler Improving Performance of Stored Procedure

    Rebooting would cause data cache, proc cache to be cleared. Have you reindexed, updated stats and recompiled SP's?

    Also the system statistical indexes (_WA_Sys_)would be lost, this may indicate your database...

  • RE: Maintenance plans

    Make sure that you are the in the admins group for the server and register in EM with mixed mode authentication.

    Also check to see if it using the default TCP...

Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 127 total)