Forum Replies Created

Viewing 13 posts - 751 through 763 (of 763 total)

  • RE: SSIS Data flow failing

    I was not able to see anything in the logs.

    I opened my process in BIDS and I forced my destination connection to be the UAT server. The process ran...

  • RE: SSIS Data flow failing

    I've only been working with SSIS for about a year. So when you say "Try running the job manually from within the SSIS project." are you talking about...

  • RE: SSIS Data flow failing

    I did over hear that the UAT server was running low on some space, could have been the tempdb.

    Maybe that is what it is, since the smaller files...

  • RE: SSIS Data flow failing

    The destination table is dropped and recreated before the data flow step. My process builds the table on DB2, then moves it to SQL. Then the next one...

  • RE: SSIS Data flow failing

    In my testing I am pulling the data from the same source DB2 table, but putting it to a different SQL server(DEV). I can run this process on DEV and...

  • RE: The Vacation Dilemma

    I've worked for the same place now for over 22 years and the philosophy here has always been your earned the vacation so you need to take it. They...

  • RE: select query

    My first thought would be to do the case statement shown earlier. This seems to be cleaner code if someone else has to look at it in the future....

  • RE: Display on Month and Year from date formula ??

    Small correction to Scott's code, he has the STUFF for 4 characters, this will wipe out both slashes. You could use either one below to get 'MM/YY':

    declare @enddate datetime


  • RE: Help on how to count guests in hotel every day

    I've made assumptions that you may have more than one guest per room. I also assume that if you have one guest checking out today and one checking in...

  • RE: SQL 2005 - List Primary Key Columns

    I talked to my DBA and he said these are automatically updated. So it must be a permissions issue that is stopping you from seeing anything.

  • RE: SQL 2005 - List Primary Key Columns

    It could be either your table does not have an index set up, or the database doesn't have any tables that have indexes.

    You need to be connected to...

  • RE: SQL 2005 - List Primary Key Columns

    Here is a query to find all the indexes on a table.

    select r.[name] as table_name, i.[name] as index_name, c.[name] as column_name

    FROM sys.index_columns l

    inner join sys.tables r on

    l.object_id = r.object_id

    inner join...

  • RE: SQL 2005 - List Primary Key Columns

    I like the ides of this, I would add ordering the columns as they are defined in the key. And for the programmers in my area I would add...

Viewing 13 posts - 751 through 763 (of 763 total)