Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 3,181 through 3,195 (of 3,220 total)

  • RE: The End of the Line

    As usual a day late and a dollar short but heck at 74 (75 in April of 2007) think I can be some what slow.   To quote a preious reply "Now I...

  • RE: Progressive Search / SELECT

    Suggest you look at

    Returning a Subset of a Recordset

    Regular Columnist :...

  • RE: How to know who is executing a stored proc


       Had a somewhat similiar problem as yours. In my table I defined a column as 'User_Name' with a default value of (rtrim(suser_sname())) this way I did not have to...

  • RE: Moving Data from Excel to Temp Table

    This suggestion was posted previously ... but thought it might help you

    Select ... FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0','Excel 8.0;DATABASE=\\server3\tables\Survey_Results_(10-13-06).xls', 'Select * from SurveyResults$')

    The $ after...

  • RE: What is you favorite?

    Use either VB 6 or VB dot net along with respective ADO components ... extremely powerful and flexible .. and as some one else has already mentioned VB express is...

  • RE: Set variable =NULL

    From BOL

    When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, the Equals (=) and Not Equal To  [<>] comparison operators do not follow the SQL-92 standard. A SELECT statement using WHERE column_name = NULL...

  • RE: Roy Week

    Let me say ditto for jennifer1019's statement ... THANKS


  • RE: Advertising

    Page peel - unobtrusive, not at all annoying .. if the income from the ads keeps this site up and running --continue with the ads. 

    I hope the advertisers are...

  • RE: How many hours do you work

    I currently work for a firm that describes the position as "salaried".  If you do not work 40 hours during a week your paycheck will show the missing hours as...

  • RE: Past examples of inefficient administration

    Your not alone in this regard.   My parents always said I was "A dollar short and a day late". And on my own have learned the truth of an old German statement "Too...

  • RE: Foreign Keys

    As usual I am a day late and a dollar short, but heck was a good, clear, concise tutorial on foreign keys.

    Thanks for the effort you put into this ......

  • RE: how to parse a T-SQL script to get the tables touched by the query?

    Finally found another procedure which might be easier to use





    /****** Object:  Stored Procedure dbo.SPWhichAccessATable    Script Date: 6/10/2006 9:32:09 AM ******/

    CREATE PROCEDURE Dbo.SPWhichAccessATable

     @TableName VARCHAR(128)



  • RE: how to parse a T-SQL script to get the tables touched by the query?

    This is one I found a long time ago here in this forum ... but can not remember the true authors name


    @Watchword varchar(50)


    SELECT distinct

    'type' = case...

  • RE: Search for COLUMN NAME

     NOT MY work, and unfortunately have forgotten who the author is.  But thought I would pass it along since no one else seems to remember the SQL ... and...

  • RE: Automatically read primary key and foreign constraints

    Suggest that you use BOL and look at

    sp_helpconstraint 'tablename', 'nomsg'

    to give you an idea of what is readily available.


Viewing 15 posts - 3,181 through 3,195 (of 3,220 total)