Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: Scaling Out

    Complete article, that I don't doubt about it will be a greatful help for my SQL resarchs.

  • RE: Making "dbo" owner of stored procs

    In the other hand, you can take another way to benefit of a "two-tier" database:

    1- Developpers create their own objects, they are the owner of. They can practice tests on...

  • RE: Making "dbo" owner of stored procs


    You can also alias your users dbo of the database thanks to the following script:

    use <<My_database>>

    exec sp_grantdbaccess '<<login_name>>'

    exec sp_addalias '<<login_name>>', 'dbo'

    So, your user will create stored procedures as DBO. A...

  • RE: SQL Profiler doesn't retrieve information...

    For your information,

    I remarked that when SQL is running a trace the events are stocked in a buffer and the file is not updated "in-live" as in SQL-Profiler.

    Everything is OK



  • RE: Change of Date formats when Processing Cubes

    Hi Angie,

    SQL OLAP is very sensitive to regional settings. It just like the US one. I have troubles with my OLAP server too.

    I don't know if the client regional settings...

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)