Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: Free as in Beer

    I agree on the overall discussion about plagiarism ... but completely disagree about hiring someone to do your work. That's called SUBCONTRACTING, done all of the time and is a...

  • RE: Would You Rather Work for a Strong or Weak Manager?

    Strong, but with a caveat ... some managers "micro-manage", something I avoid at all costs, even to lose a strong manager

  • RE: 100% Microsoft?

    Although I have been back in the development camp the last few years, when I was a DBA I used 3rd party tools "with caution" ... e.g., backup the database(s)...

  • RE: How to execute ssis package through stored procedure

    In SQL2000 I had a project where we had to execute DTS packages from clients that didn't have SQL Server installed. For that project I did create a sp that...

  • RE: Checking Up on Developers

    As a developer and occasional "accidental DBA" I am intrigued and very interested in these types of topics. In my current role I am a senior developer and work new...

  • RE: Scary Questions

    If you considered these scary questions, then you were right on. And 10-12 years ago I would have been the one asking these scary questions. 🙂 But even...

  • RE: The Software Comparison - Part 4

    Whatever ... just keep the damn government out of it 🙂

  • RE: Running Stored Procedure from Access

    If you are planning on using one stored procedure to do either an insert or an update you need to remember that this may cause the procedure to be recompiled...

  • RE: Access frontend with SQL Server backen - advice please

    It depends on the size of your Access application and it's intended customers/users. Using Access as a front end should really only be used for small projects or ones that...

  • RE: Testing

    Right on ... fantastic answer.

  • RE: Testing

    Steve, you make some good and valid points. But so does "SingToMe". I have to say that I'm somewhere in the middle, likely closer to "SingToMe".

    True, I would not...

  • RE: Testing

    Hi BensDad ... I guess you could call me ScottsDad as well 🙂

    I hear you, as I am in the same situation. I certainly understand having to question whether or...

  • RE: Testing

    As far as I'm concerned the only testing that should be performed is whether or not you possess the skills you say you have. If you are a DBA you...

  • RE: Full Text Search Follies

    Fortunately I have not had the "experience" you had, but I wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed the article. I only wish that most other "technical" articles...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)