Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Fun(?) with DATETIME2

    However, when I run the command DECLARE @myDate DATETIME2

    SET @myDate = '1752-09-09'

    PRINT @myDate in SQL Server 2008 R2, I do actually get results:

    1752-09-09 00:00:00.0000000

  • RE: Create Database

    Code as indicated does not work for me either.

    By adding a c:\mssql folder (did not have one on my system) AND changing the the data file folder to c:\mssql, it...

  • RE: Accessing and changing data 2008

    This question is an exact copy and paste for BOL (ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v10/MS.SQLSVR.v10.en/s10de_1devconc/html/136b4545-fd48-412f-8163-fadc3a235d36.htm). And according to BOL, the 2 statements are the same.....

  • RE: Best Way to Calculate Age

    Using my DOB, None of the 3 technically gave the correct answer.

    WHen I ran it my DOB was 4 days in the future

    Setting my DOB to 2 months, 4...

  • RE: Generating a SP Dependency Tree

    Thanks all for your suggestions, This give me alot more to go on than I originally had.


  • RE: Generating a SP Dependency Tree

    EM uses the sp_MSdependencies stored proc. I'm testing with that now.

    Thanks everyone


  • RE: Generating a SP Dependency Tree

    Thanks Kenneth,

    That is part of the reason I was looking for something (sysdepends as Chris suggested, should work great).

    Unfortunately, the code this client has written has less than stellar documentation....

  • RE: Generating a SP Dependency Tree

    Thanks Chris, that's what I was looking for. I could not remember where this info was stored.


  • RE: Checking a Stored Procedure for a specific comment using VB.NET

    scporich's solution is much better, plus it keeps you out of the system tables.



  • RE: Checking a Stored Procedure for a specific comment using VB.NET


    As long as the proc is not compiled with encryption (SQL Server) you can select text from the syscomments system table.


    Select syscomments.text

    from sysobjects,syscomments

    where =

    and sysobjects.type = 'p'


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)