Forum Replies Created

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • RE: Text Parsing TSQL code

    Yes, and I haven't yet thanked you for the help. I see now that I was clumsily trying to create a datalength function, which I didn't know about. That's what...

  • RE: Text Parsing TSQL code

    I'm starting to get the hang of using these tally tables, but I'm a little foggy on the sequence of events (my experience up 'till now is in purely procedural...

  • RE: Import a variable text file

    Yes, that worked fine. And it looks (almost) exactly like what I'd tried earlier. I can't imagine what I did wrong, but... oh well.

    Anyway, it looks like I just have...

  • RE: Import a variable text file

    It took me some time to figure out what you were doing there, but it looks like a very clever way to solve the original problem in this discussion. Unfortunately,...

  • RE: Import a variable text file

    I think I may have found the missing link. Cursors. As I mentioned, I'm very new to TSQL and there's nothing quite like Cursors in any of the languages I've...

  • RE: Import a variable text file

    I'm afraid it doesn't. I'd already looked through the BOL extensively, but in all of the examples I could find, data was sent to multistatement table valued user-defined functions via an explicit string. That doesn't...

  • RE: Import a variable text file

    I hope someone can give me a clue here. I'm very new to T-SQL, so this will probably be a stupid question, but I'm obviously missing something fundamental here - I...

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)