Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)

  • RE: Connections: How many is too many?

    From everyone's comments, I gather that a SQL connection is taking up about 24KB per connection. Is that it? If we have 350 open connections, this is roughtly 8.4MB of...

  • RE: Connections: How many is too many?

    So your saying the connections should be shut when a group of transactions is completed rather than just staying open and idle.

    And you are also saying that leaving that...

  • RE: Connections: How many is too many?

    Yes, I believe there are bottlenecks with CPU and some locking. There are others looking the performance counters. I was just curious to know if a SQL Server will be...

  • RE: ADO holding SQL Connection Open, WHY?

    this will keep the connection alive for a while (default 60sec ?) because apparently building a connection taks a lot of resources.


    Hey, alzdba, you are exacty right,...

  • RE: Index Causing Deadlock on thread - HELP

    psribeiro, you nailed it

    I added the OPTION MAXDOP=1 to my query and it no longer used parralelism in the estimated execution plan and the query worked bringing back a large...

  • RE: Confused About a NULL

    I understand how to fix it, I am curious to the reason the data won't come back with that NULL in there.

  • RE: Table Variable Question or not?

    You may want to use a temp table rather than a table variable. If the select statement works without the insert then you have to make sure all your data...

  • RE: UPDLOCK Question

    Alright, I understand what you are saying about holding that Max Version Number so no other Transaction can get it, but why is it look like it is locking the...

  • RE: Is this possible in a view

    alatoum, I like your idea, but I am still forced to hardcode an Order By column in the UDF. The problem with that is the user cannot then filter on...

  • RE: how to do a Common Task with stored procedure

    These are all good ideas, Thanks for the feedback.

  • RE: how to do a Common Task with stored procedure

    That doesn't sound to bad except for the fact we are sitting on 7.0. Good idea though. Thanks for the input.

  • RE: how to do a Common Task with stored procedure

    Alright, my question then is, how do you get the data (several salesreps) into the temp table with a stored procedure?

    These sales reps are going to be coming from a...

  • RE: Is it possible to write a SQL Statement as follows

    I figured it out in case anyone is wondering

    This SQL Statement does the trick.

    Select FormulaID, VersionID, MaterialID, TypeID, MixOrder,

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM formula_material f WHERE f.FormulaID =...

  • RE: QOD 6/10/2003

    I completely agree with your statement. I also think they should have had better choices to pick from.

  • RE: Can't Set Single User Mode

    This alter database statement sounds like it might work in SQL 2000, but it will not work in SQL 7. Is there a similar statement that will work in SQL...

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)