Forum Replies Created

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

  • RE: Insert information based on a range

    Okay. Still learning about CTE's. How would you change the string to not take off the leading zero. So my value is OD1-0200 TO OD1-0220.

    It makes...

  • RE: Insert information based on a range

    I am trying to go line by line to see what is going on. Like what is the WITH statement doing? I believe that is part of making...

  • RE: Insert information based on a range

    Thank you. I will have to research this so I understand what this does. Then I might come up with more intelligent questions.

  • RE: logic help

    That logic was correct. SQL wasn't looking at my new SP that had that new logic so it was a mistake on my end. I had the wrong...

  • RE: Joins

    I think this is close but still isn't working. It is saying no data found but i know there is.

    select VENDOR.vendor_name, (ORDERS.ORD_TOTAL_COST + Orders.ord_total_cost)as "Total Amount Owed"

    from VENDOR JOIN...

  • RE: Profiler


    I was creating my template that way but when tried to tie it to my SQL2012 database, it wouldn't save the template for me to use it when I got...

  • RE: Duplicates

    I think I got it.

    I put MIN(IPD_CHG_DT),



    We will find out if issues come up if I...

  • RE: Duplicates

    This is addresses. I can only insert on on the addresses, when it gets to the next level, i will insert both of them. One is tied to...

  • RE: Duplicates



  • RE: Urgent help with Date format needed please


  • RE: Triggers on Tables

    I been messing with this more. I didn't know that DISABLE wasn't a keyword so I found out you need a ; after BEGIN. I am testing these...

  • RE: Triggers on Tables

    We have a full load process in place to pull comments. We only allow 254 characters before we would write another row with a comment group by column with...

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)