Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

  • RE: error 1068

    I have experience this recently and it was as a result of installing Access2007 and Access2003 and something going wrong in the process resulting in corrupt registry entries.

    After much investigation,...

  • RE: display data between two dates week by week

    you can also try

    SELECT datepart(wk,Date) as 'WeekNo', Date

    FROM TableA

    where Date between @startDate and @endDate

    ORDER BY WeekNo, Date

  • RE: Group By trouble

    I'm not totally clear what you want but you can try this and let me know if it's what's needed

    select col1, sum(col3)

    from TempTable

    where GroupCd is not null

    group by col1

  • RE: Problem with trigger

    Looking at the insert statement the empId comes from t_EmpID on your holding table and not the identity column empID.

    Can you confirm there are no NULLs in this column ....

  • RE: Percentage Calculation with two decimal digit rounded off

    Try this...

    SELECT TOP 10 DFS_Request_Received as trans



Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)