Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)

  • RE: Task Name/Description in DTS Log Files

    Hey, Where are all the SQL gurus -:) Am awaiting answer for the last three days. Any suggestion??

  • RE: SQL Log File Size is Growing

    Thanks PhilCart,

    ODBC tracing was on, and so it was eating up the hard disk space. Switched Off the tracing and deleted the SQL log file. Now its okay.

  • RE: SQL Log File Size is Growing

    Didn't help.

    I get error when I run the following:

    Dbcc Shrinkfile('C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\SQL.txt',1)

    Server: Msg 8985, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Could not locate file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Local Settings\Temp\SQL.txt' in sysfiles.


  • RE: Performance of DTS Package

    Thanks Luke

    Package|properties|Logging solves my problem. But please explain how can I do the last step of mailing the results.

    Also I want to make sure that whenever the database...

  • RE: Multiple Counts in a Row

    Thanks for support by all,

    Actually I am supposed to carry out testing of data integration for my client, and have to show them results in interprise manager or Query Analyzer...

  • RE: Multiple Counts in a Row

    Thank you ALZDBA

    Actually your solution is similar to

    select Facility1 as [Facility 1]

    ,(select count(*) FROM MyTable WHERE Cond1) as [First Condition]

    ,(select count(*) FROM MyTable WHERE Cond2) as [Second Condition]


  • RE: count non null values

    Thanks all,

    Now another issue,

    I have a column named 'Temp'. If used in query, SQL takes it as a system name, and highlights it blue.

    Any workaround??

    Its not possible for me...

  • RE: Table Description


    sp_mshelpcolumn 'Data_table' gives me the following error

    Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1

    Could not find stored procedure 'sp_helpcolumn'.


    I don't know how to use syscolumns. Please give example.

  • RE: Manual data entry in tables..Any shortcut

    Ok guys

    Jeff's idea worked for me.

    Nice discussion


  • RE: Manual data entry in tables..Any shortcut

    It is just for experimental purpose, that I want to enter a couple of rows manually.

    I know INSERT statement can do it, but I just want to do it...

  • RE: whats wrong with this script

    Thanks Phil,

    worked great.............good learning

    Just another question guys

    How can I put the output from two select statements in one row.


    Select count(*) from A as 'Rows from A'

    Select count(*) from...

  • RE: Script to compare two tables

    Yes Adrian,

    You may count it as a cross post, but I put it under a different subject to know if there is any generic sql script that can compare...

  • RE: comparing date columns in two tables

    what is DDL and how can I create statments?. Sorry am a newbie.

  • RE: comparing date columns in two tables

    Thanks. Adrian............the script worked fine, but I couldn't solve my problem. I just discovered that all the dates are present in both Tables A and Table B.

    Now the issue...

  • RE: select statement help

    thanks Lowell,

    Distinct is working fine

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 30 total)