Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Transaction logs increased up to 16 GB

    Hi Chandu,

    I think you have not paid any attention to my earlier reponse to you ( dated 01/06 on this topic...

  • RE: Transaction logs increased up to 16 GB

    1. Login to Query Analyzer as sa.

    2. Change the DB name where you need to shrink the files.

    3. Take a good backup of your DB and the transaction Log first....

  • RE: Executing a VB app from a insert trigger

    On UNIX, you can execute a program in the background ( & at the end OR nohup ). This means the trigger ( xp_cmdshell ) gets a signal that the...

  • RE: Update a table's multile columns in a sub query

    Thanks for your help. This is a round about procedure but I think this is the only to do in SQL Server. In Oracle, it is quite simple.


  • RE: Trans Log not Truncating

    If you do not care about the log data, do the steps in this order

    1) "backup log" with truncate_only.

    2) Then Shrink the log

    An example below.

    This will bring...

  • RE: Can SP run a command .exe file

    Thanks a lot for your help, Simon. It works in a Stored procedure but not in a trigger. So I created a new S.P with the INSERT and xp_cmdshell commands....

  • RE: Can SP run a command .exe file

    Dear Simon,

    I have an After insert trigger on a table and I execute a JAVA class file as below.


    select @my_cmd='D:\j2re\bin\java.exe -classpath "'+'D:\MSSQL7\JOBS\sub_key." gensubkey ' > D:\MSSQL\JOBS\sub_key\qry1.txt'

    EXEC @key_result=master..xp_cmdshell @my_cmd



  • RE: Can SP run a command .exe file

    Hi Prakash,

    I have a different problem. I have a AFTER insert trigger on a table. In the trigger, I would

    like to read...

  • RE: Row ID in select set

    You can generate a serial OR sequence number in a SELECT statement using the IDENTITY function ( do not mistake it with the table property: INDENTITY although similar functionality ).


Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)