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Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    I had a little more fun... again using 17,000+ tokens.

    I put the CTE version inside the original function by creating 200 character tokens using the original method (sort of), assuming...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    My theory on the XML problem was that it was actually a CLR call-out. Tally seems to work well, it shows an up front execution cost that is not...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    I ran the three types again, with "SET EXECUTION TIME ON" and...

    ...8788 tokens:

    XML: CPU time = 203722 ms

    Tally: CPU time = 47 ms

    Original: CPU time = 686 ms

  • RE: Concatenating Rows

    arturv (3/4/2011)

    Hi guys,

    why dont we keep it simple?


    INSERT INTO #test ( id, name )

    VALUES ( 101, 'Apple' ),


  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    That function looks pretty similar to the one from the original article, which I called "fn_Split". It does fine, too, and it will work on older versions of SQL...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    The tally table method seems to work fine, but the estimated and actual execution plans show a pretty severe penalty. My guess is that the initial file I/O and...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    Norbert, try to fix it the way you want it, and post your code if you get stuck. I intentionally attempted to keep the last token if the delimiter...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    CTE version, made more like the SUBSTRING version:

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnStringSplit_CTE]


    @SourceString VARCHAR(MAX),

    @Delim CHAR(1)








    with split(i, token, remainder) as

    (select 1

    , left(@SourceString,charindex(@delim,@SourceString)-1)

    , LTRIM(right(@SourceString,len(@SourceString)-CHARINDEX(@delim,@SourceString)))

    union all

    select i + 1

    ,case when charindex(@delim,remainder)...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    I ran the XML, CTE, and the SUBSTRING functions through and checked the estimated to actual execution plans. The estimated shows the XML_Reader is, by far, the...

  • RE: String tokenizing / splitting

    I am fairly certain that CTE will be faster...

    /*sql server 2008 CTE split and join fun*/

    /*split begins*/

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#split') is not null drop table #split;

    if object_id(N'tempdb..#joined') is not null drop table...

  • RE: Datatype for IP addresses

    You can use charindex with substring() but it is slower than parsename. I don't know why. I would love to see the code behind them to understand why.

  • RE: Datatype for IP addresses

    I actually tested 4 tiny int conversions and 1 int conversions and binary always beat 'em in conversion costs (cheaper on the CPU and the same size). If you...

  • RE: Datatype for IP addresses

    I think a 4 byte binary field is the best. You can use substring function to pick out the octets and it takes the least amount of work to...

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)