Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)

  • RE: Cannot Show Requested Dialog (SqlMgnt)

    Do you have the required priviliges to do that?

    As what user you are logging on?

  • RE: Microsoft SQL Server, Error : 2

    Check if all the Services are running in sql server configuration manager

    check the protocols if they are enabled.

    You sometimes get the same error, when you have entered a wrong userid/pwd.

  • RE: Backup_restore failure

    Thanks for all the replies, I do regularly 5-10 restores a day or sometimes even more, but never seen this, I used to solve all the other issues I face...

  • RE: Microsoft SQL Server, Error : 2

    are you connecting to the local server or remote server?

    connecting using windows login/sqlserver login?

  • RE: Point in time recovery

    I missed it, the client was on SQL2000.

  • RE: Point in time recovery

    I was doing it with SSMS and the error was invalid value for STOPAT, something like that.

    The issue is resolved now, as we have found the actual reason for the...

  • RE: How to get Error Message

    I dont think they are saved somewhere, it internally runs the same logic I said above and populates the values.

    You need to customize your code to get the output.

  • RE: Similar to Statspack report

    Thank you, I was looking for some thing like this only.

    I wanted similar to that as, I wanted to see the usage of the whole system, once we have done...

  • RE: Server Performance

    You can also check sp_who2 and see if there is any blocking happening!

  • RE: Server Performance

    What does hanging means here, is it the whole application or the part of the application, and if yes, then what part of the day...

    if it is at specific time,...

  • RE: How to get Error Message

    When you run any query, its results get saved in @@error variable.If the earlier statement is correct then the value is saved as 0 else some number, search the sysmessages...

Viewing 11 posts - 106 through 116 (of 116 total)