Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)

  • RE: All-in-one

    I am a developer\dba\etc IT worker and I like SSMS as-is with only one complaint: I would like the abiliity to undock and float multiple query\resultset windows around my...

  • RE: Easy Licenses

    In our shop we have a SQL Agent job running hourly that performs a count of how many distinct users are connected (sysprocesses) to each database on each server of...

  • RE: SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Enhancements Part - IV

    I understand the consequences of deleting or renaming a filestream-managed file in the file system, but is there any consequence to updating (replacing) a file directly in the file system?...

  • RE: Mastering SQL Server Profiler - Part 4: Profiler Events

    I have been a developer/dba/architect since '93. I have been a Profiler user on occasion, but would have used it more over the years if I knew more...

  • RE: Calculating Age

    This method includes a form of "every 4 years" leap year support. It assumes a lifetime will rarely exceed 99 years and so foregoes making allowances for the 100...

  • RE: Inbox Zero

    I am a software architect/manager/developer/dba. I too use my Inbox as my 'To Do' list. I try to keep it at about one screen's worth of entries (15...

  • RE: How Productive Are You?

    I am the working director of a small non-profit corporate software development team (two team members plus myself). I average about 3 hours a day of quality development time,...

  • RE: Problem in emailing reports.(urgent)

    First of all, data-driven subscriptions are only possible with the Enterprise version of SQL Server.

    You might check the event viewer on the SQL Server box for error messages. Our...

  • RE: Finding and Listing ALL Procedures, Functions, and Views in SQL Server 2005

    Although I agree that using 'sys.' views is a better way to get information, I have used the text column of the syscomments table directly in the past to get...

  • RE: Everybody Reports to Somebody

    I like Craig's original approach because performance is good and it is straightforward. Another important consideration is many, if not most organizations that I am aware of tend to...

Viewing 10 posts - 16 through 25 (of 25 total)