Forum Replies Created

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

  • RE: Manipulate Horizontal Hierarchy with UNPIVOT

    Thanks!, good stuff! I will practice your technic!


  • RE: Print Text Month Calendar

    Bill, I like your version!


  • RE: SQL server integration Services(SSIS)

    You must first define the way you will capture the changes in the LIVE_DB.

    What is the retention policy of this,

    you can partition your data by datetime and have a full...

  • RE: syscolumns names

    I like the xml way, then I worked on that version

    Here is another way thanks to this forum. It is a generalize version.

    I prepared this version (my original did not...

  • RE: T-SQL

    I think you must define what is the goal of the question.

    as a plain English the question is clear, and you are asking for a specific result: an instance (defined...

  • RE: T-SQL

    in the question never showed an implicit date time conversion, therefore you can not require that condition as granted.

    Your question is bad formulated or you are trying to trick (fool)...

  • RE: T-SQL

    in the question never showed an implicit date time conversion, therefore you can not require that condition as granted.

    Your question is bad formulated or you are trying to trick (fool)...

  • RE: B-tree

    something is wrong in the page for that question.

    My choice was "Binary" and I got wrong answer like if my choice was "Balanced"

  • RE: one character of data

    The question is too generic about the character entered.

    My choice was nvarchar(1) to cover all posibilities and I think it is the right answer.

  • RE: Database Job Schedules

    The question was what to do , so that we can update the schedule;

    Not what is the best choice.

    So the answer " Run the job manually, then...

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)