Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Outer Join performance

    I don't know which is faster.

    However, I require the developers to use ANSI JOIN syntax because it's far easier to understand.  Per our standard, the JOIN clause is the part...

  • RE: Data Modeling using ERWIN and SQL Server 2000

    I've been using ERwin for perhaps 8 years, now, and it leaves a lot to be desired.  I've been using it less and less as time goes by, especially since...

  • RE: Dtsrun.exe without SQL2000

    I am not 100% sure - but I'm pretty sure - that an easier way to get DTSrun available on a server B is to start to install SQL Server the...

  • RE: Granting Execute Access to All Stored Procedures to a Given User

    I'd vote for creating the "executors" role, adding "execute" permission on all the SPs to that and then adding the user(s) in question to the "executors" role.

    Maybe "executors" would be a good addition...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 07 Jun 2004

    USER_NAME looked odd to me for two reasons:

    1. It's the only function that will permit an argument.

    2. It's the only function that can't be used in a default constraint (per...

  • RE: Two Best Practices!

    When I wrote the article, I originally included some very brief remarks on formatting but the article was starting to get rather long, so I focussed on the two Best...

  • RE: QOD 12/5/03

    In BOL, I found:

    For computers running Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, the default server Net-Libraries are:

    - TCP/IP Sockets.

    - Named Pipes.

    For computers running Windows 98, the default server Net-Libraries...

  • RE: DBA consulting

    When I read this post, the first question that occured to me was "Where?"

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)