Forum Replies Created

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

  • RE: GREATEST and LEAST function

    --For those on 2005, and/or wanting a function suited for variable number of columns, below is an alternative.  [I've not tested this widely.]

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_DelimitedSplitN4K (@pString NVARCHAR(4000), @pDelimiter NCHAR(1))...

  • RE: SQL Query runs fast, SSRS runs S L O W . . . .

    case when DATEPART(DW, SED.earlieststartdate) = 1 then 'Sunday' else

    case when DATEPART(DW, SED.earlieststartdate) = 2 then 'Monday' else

    case when DATEPART(DW, SED.earlieststartdate) = 3 then 'Tuesday' else

    case when DATEPART(DW,...

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)