Forum Replies Created

Viewing 3 posts - 181 through 183 (of 183 total)

  • RE: Upgrade - Compatibilty Level - Performance

    Good question. I have recently performed the same upgrade and switched the compatibility mode to 2K5. I have not seen any peformance gain or decrease. My system...

  • RE: wmi cpu alert

    I am looking to do the same thing. Ever get a response? Right now I was thinking of constructing a CLR Proc and using that to store and...

  • RE: DTEXEC - Problem trying to dynamically set ConnectionString

    I had a similar problem when running... and I had to change the following from this.

    C:\>dtexec /SQL \MultipleVersionsTest /Set \package.variables[ConfigConn].Value;

    Data Source=DB1;Initial Catalog=Testing;Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated

    Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;

    to this to get it to work.

    C:\>dtexec /SQL...

Viewing 3 posts - 181 through 183 (of 183 total)