Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: How to find N Consecutive records in a table

    Peter Brinkhaus (4/28/2010)

    Here's another parameterized version. Thanks to Quatrei.X for the test script.


    Peter, your solution is brilliant! You're a d**n genius! It saved my day - thanks for your contribution!...

  • RE: 15 Quick Short Interview Questions Useful When Hiring SQL Developers

    Jeff Moden (3/4/2013)

    ...they answer with the same wrong answer, that you have either a faker or a poser on your hands ...

    Brilliant! Never seen it that way - gives the...

  • RE: 15 Quick Short Interview Questions Useful When Hiring SQL Developers

    Answer 7 is misleading, isn't it?

    7) A clustered index is the index of the physical order of the rows of the table on disk.

    It's just the logical order -...

  • RE: 5 Reasons You Must Start Capturing Baseline Data

    Great Topic!

    We're already collecting data such as:

    -Backup Health

    -Service Status

    -Fixed Drives Space

    -File Space Usage (Data, Index, Unlocated, ...)

    -Files Events (Grows, Shrinks, ...)

    -Failed Jobs

    -Unusual Log Entries

    -Schema Change Events

    -Server Configuration Changes

    Wait Stats...

  • RE: Views and Dependencies

    What is I use 'YYYY-MM-DD'?

    I can't promise 'YYYY-MM-DD' will work regardless of your current settings.

    'YYYYMMDD' does always work. Just stick to this little rule, it doesn't hurt and you won't...

  • RE: Views and Dependencies

    By the way, please don't use date literals like this:


    This might will not work on system which use other language settings (or datetime settings) than english.

    Please always use the ISO...

  • RE: Introduction to Indexes

    GilaMonster (7/4/2012)

    For seeking, for range scans, for supporting an order by.

    Oh, I didn't have the ORDER BY clause in mind yet. Thanks, it's more clearly now.

    So, if I my query...

  • RE: Introduction to Indexes

    GilaMonster (7/3/2012)

    Any time at all that you query the index's order is irrelevant. Join or no join.

    Hmm, when is the index's order relevant? I can create an index in ASC...

  • RE: Introduction to Indexes

    GilaMonster (7/3/2012)

    No. They define the logical order only.

    Interesting! I'm in the business since five years - and all the time I've been wrong!:w00t:


  • RE: Introduction to Indexes

    Clustered indexes define the logical order of the table

    I would say: Clustered indexes define the physical order of the table. Am I right?

  • RE: Give us all the features


  • RE: Give us all the features

    Good thoughts! Go ahead and create a "Connect Item"! 😀

    I will vote for it.

  • RE: ANSI_NULLS setting is ignored?

    SQL Kiwi (9/28/2011)

    ... When I really need to see attributes, I use the sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes DMV. ...

    sys.dm_exec_plan_attributes is interesting!

    But the whole story seems to be just a SSMS-Bug in...

  • RE: ANSI_NULLS setting is ignored?

    Jack Corbett (9/27/2011)

    ... the results are being returned according the active setting, not by what's reported in the execution plan.

    Yes, you're right Jack - I can confirm on my machine...

  • RE: LOB Data

    The preferred LOB (Large OBject) types in SQL Server are ...

    Preferred by whom? You can also use varbinary(max):

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)