Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)

  • RE: Help! Packages are all gone!

    Yeah, I discovered this yesterday. I was running around frantically and my network admins were trying to find good copies in the nightly backups and suddenly! bam! there they were....

  • RE: Real-time Replication

    Should I be looking at any third-party products to make this easier, or is everything I need built into SQL server?

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    You should probably post whatever your current solution is so we can look at it.

  • RE: Assigning value of a search

    Extremely busy. =)

    Steve, you've been helpful as always. Thanks again, everyone. I changed it to just dump everything into a temp table at the end and I get my values...

  • RE: Assigning value of a search

    I know this one is a doosy, but it's not run constantly. It's part of a paper-tracking product and this is a manager's report for the most part. The flexibility...

  • RE: Assigning value of a search

    I'll post the code, but it's a little ugly at this point...

    I think I may have to take your suggestion of sticking this in a temp table.

    --new variables for date...

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    Thanks again for your help, Steve!

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    Well, the beauty of the business day lookup table is that it *never* has to change. Monday is always 3 business days (depending on how you want to count it)...

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    Steve -

    Thanks for your help. You got me on the right track, but my report is kind of a wierd one. I tried your method along with a brute...

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    I had that idea, but I wasn't sure how to join it exactly, since I'm using a date range. Could I join it on the month?

    something like this:

    on datepart(month, @date1)...

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    Thanks!! That looks like it will do the trick. Any ideas for how I might be able to exclude holidays listed in a table?

  • RE: Calculating for weekends

    Ok, I kind of get it... but I'm still a little confused. What I'm doing in this case, is selecting how many of our records fall outside given service level...

  • RE: HELP! SQL is freaking out.

    I used the -S flag for the BCP command to specify the servername. Once again, we only have one server and it worked just days ago, but that does appear...

  • RE: HELP! SQL is freaking out.

    A change log? Hahahaha... That's a good one.

    Well, I figured it out. I had to add the -S flag and specify the server. Don't ask me why... it worked 3...

  • RE: SQL Server Agent

    I was removed from the system administrator group. I figured this out a few minutes ago. I was able to fix the Agent problem from the server. People at my...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 29 total)