Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)

  • RE: Rebuild Index with SQL Sever Manager


    I'm not sure who this question was directed at ?

  • RE: Rebuild Index with SQL Sever Manager

    thatnks for your help

    I thought it might be fragmentation.

    I'm looking at the T-SQL option as it runs so much faster, but I wnated to make sure that there wasn't an...

  • RE: 28 Million Records to Be Matched -- URGENT

    in addition to the above

    check that your logs and tables are not on the same drives - this will cause massive performance issues for an update of this nature


  • RE: How SQL Server Chooses the Type of Join

    very useful as I'm struggling with exactly the same problem:

    a storeed procedure that joins two tables based on a selection from one table that can return as few as 50...

  • RE: Query performance slows drastically with an Index

    thanks for all of your replies...

    Bill, I'll try your solution later

    Sam, removing the table variable and using the tables direct adds time to the query performance as the initital scan...

  • RE: Query performance slows drastically with an Index

    OK. I have slightly progressed on this and appears not to be the index, but a join.

    In query 1, I am joining two tables - one has a list of...

  • RE: Query performance slows drastically with an Index

    OK, I will do this. It is then end of my working day and I've been flummoxed with this problems for two days now. I just thought I'd ask the...

  • RE: xml configuration

    I know this an old thread but I recently had this problem, so here's the solution

    you need to run SQLXML3.0 sp3 against the 2005 server. 2005 Server editions come with...

  • RE: linkedServer and Stored Procedures

    Thanks G. Nocholls

    That may stop it timing out. I'll take a look.

    However, I'm more interested in solving the riddle of why it takes so long over the serverLink.

    I don't understand...

  • RE: ODBC

    are you using the new 'SQL Native Client' provider?

  • RE: Server not listening on TCP/IP

    doesn't it always happen this way?!?!?!?

    I changed the TCP Port in IP all and it worked...


    TCP Dynamic Ports: [empty]

    TCP Port: 1433

    if anyone has the inclinination and time could they explain...

  • RE: Does it help?

    I'm on the 2-monitor bandwagon

    I have two 19" LCDs in the office and two 17" LCDs at home. The ability to work in full monitor in one application, and see...

  • RE: Moving transaction log file only

    i'm not sure what the format for EMCs is, but on other virtual drives it is required to use the UNC address, eg:


  • RE: substring or like

    i just got back to this issue

    I prepared a test:

    Table: 76 million rows

    Query: Matches 360k rows and sums up into 26 rows

    like 'ukd5%' - indexed partCode column: 8secs


  • RE: Start/Stop of a Time Series

    this is just an idea:


    you could use a calculated column seperate out the date and time

    then use min(date) and min(Time) and group them

    then UNION

    and use max(date) and max(Time) and group them


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 23 total)