Forum Replies Created

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

  • RE: Excessive CPU Usage

    Is there any advantage in utilising the AWE switch and maximise on 2.8

  • RE: Excessive CPU Usage

    We have since updated to SP4 but with little effect on the excessive CPU

  • RE: Excessive CPU Usage

    It is a dedicated Server replicating data to another Cluster server.

    The major application hogging the system is a .net sqlclient data provider @ 140k CPU

  • RE: Excessive CPU Usage

    Thanks for the reply...

    Would 2.8Gb and 1Gb translate into modifying the SQL Server 2000 memory settings to 2.8Gb max and 1Gb min

  • RE: DTS - SQL Statement to Excel

    Thanks again for keeping me informed...

    I have been been misleading myself. I thought that setting up a DTS with a connection and a defined Excel file via a view would...

  • RE: DTS - SQL Statement to Excel

    Thanks to both of you...

    I have already adopted the New Database Query method on previous project and this has worked well.

    The reason for doing it the DTS method is that...

  • RE: SQL Server Logs

    Thanks rudy

    Brilliant - I'll shall apply a scheduled task to all our SQL Servers on a period base

  • RE: SQLServiceAgent error

    Fixed the problem...All down to not having NetBios installed on server. Once installed SQLServerAgent started without a problem. Now to schedule all the windows updates NT6a, hotfixes and reinstall the...

  • RE: SQLServiceAgent error

    Additional Info: Error 2186: The SAervice is not responding to the control function

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)