Forum Replies Created

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

  • RE: linked server to MPP file

    It returned 0,0,0. I looked many account are there Start with SQLServer2005MS**** , which account we have to give accesss? I tried to give full access to 'Everyone' account but...

  • RE: xP_fileexist

    It returned 0,0,0. I looked many account are there Start with SQLServer2005MS**** , which account we have to give accesss? I tried to give full access to 'Everyone' account but...

  • RE: linked server to MPP file

    Hi Thomas,

    How we can check if mpp has sql server acct permission or not? Do I need to add any user to that file? if so, how can we...

  • RE: linked server to MPP file

    Thanks a lot Thomas for you help!!!,

    I am creating new project and read from microsoft link as you suggested.I will update you for my success.

    Mean while can we cover topic...

  • RE: linked server to MPP file

    Thank you Thomas,

    Yes I have installed MS Project 2003 SP3.

    I have other new issue:

    If we use Microsoft.Project.OLEDB.11.0 library (MDAC2.8) in application, after shipping to end use, It...

  • RE: linked server to MPP file

    Hi ,

    I am new to this forum> Can you please suggest me step to Link .MPP (MS Project 2003) file to SQL. server 2005.

    I tried to create linke server from...

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)