Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)

  • RE: Custom Month and Week Ranges

    I use a Days dimension table. Day is a dimension in the fact table. The Days table (containing 10yrs, or whatever you need) can have whatever grouping...

  • RE: JOIN 2 FACT tables

    net (11/23/2007)











    fact 2







    FKdimKey1 and FKdimKey2 are in common the other ones link to different dimensions

    Are Fact1Col1, Fact1Col2,Fact1Col3 the same measure?

    Are they additive between the two tables...

  • RE: Converting date of birth to Age

    One way to do this, you can use DATEDIFF to determine age. Then COUNT using a BETWEEN statement in your WHERE clause to get your result.

    What do you have so...

  • RE: ETL Developer


    The easy answer is "it depends". We are a small company (been around 7 years) and are going through a growth spurt. I have an idea...

  • RE: test only - pls ignore

    another test

  • RE: The Daily Lookup

    This is one of the comments I agreed with in the WTF thread... I design/support large Data Warehoues and follow Ralph Kimball's Dimensional Model. I use date tables...

  • RE: Delete excel rows in dts

    The only thing I can think of to check is the character you use in the DROP TABLE syntax.

    If I use a single quote ' I get your error:


  • RE: DTS to Excel and recreating sheets each month

    Dunno, I always start with a new workbook.

  • RE: DTS to Excel and recreating sheets each month

    Something like :

    SELECT DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,-12,getdate()))+' '+DATENAME(year, dateadd(month,-12,getdate())) AS 'First Tab'

    SELECT DATENAME(month, dateadd(month,-11,getdate()))+' '+DATENAME(year, dateadd(month,-11,getdate())) AS 'SecondTab'

    can help you manufacture the months


    Then use that in your DTS package where you create...

  • RE: How to locate error rows from DTS Exception Log

    Go to the Options tab in the Transform Data Task Properties.

    In the Data movement section change your Max Error count from zero (to anything higher, depending on how many errors...

  • RE: Not enough storage to complete this opeation while DTSing TXT files

    A table can contain a maximum of 8,060 bytes per row. (SQL 2005 doesn't have this restriction, but performs poorly when the row is > 8060) It's related to...

  • RE: longest match starting digit.

    Would somethink like this work?

    declare @val nvarchar(30)

    set @val = '5540' --The Value we're looking for

    declare @len smallint

    set @len = len(@val) -- The length of the value

    while (@len >...

  • RE: Not enough storage to complete this opeation while DTSing TXT files

    I regularly use DTS to load text files that are > 150MB and contain over 150k rows, but I've never come close to 900 columns! Do you think you...

  • RE: Float or decimal

    I use neither float or decimal.  I'm able to stick with smallmoney or money for my configuration when I need decimal precision and tiny/small/ int when I don't.



  • RE: Append to File in ActiveX

    Though this doesn't directly answer your question.  I do lots of writes to text files in my DTS packages, but I always use fso (FileSystemObject).  Files are easily created or...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 27 total)