Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 35 total)

  • RE: Recursively get list of trades in portfolio

    This requirement is still is design phase an we are can change design of a table.

    actual requirement is to retrieve data for multiple portfolio for reporting purpose.

  • RE: Recursively get list of trades in portfolio

    After adding following records


    SELECT 'P4','T6',NULL

    if i ask for portfolio P1's hierarchy

    O/P should looks something like this

    PortFolio Trade ChildPortfolio ChildTrade



    P1 NULL P2 T2

    P1 NULL P2 T3

    P1 NULL P3 T5

    P2 NULL P4 T6

  • RE: Query Help


    this helped

  • RE: Query Help

    sorry you are correct.

  • RE: Query Help


    ddl looks good

    O/P i am looks at is all dates when flag changes it's value

    so in case of

    id = 1 dates are

    3/1/2013 and 4/1/2013

    and for id 2 date is...

  • RE: Need Query Help

    I used tried both way ony with telly table workedout grate perfomance wise.

    Thanks once again fro your help

  • RE: Need Query Help

    Thanks all for you help

    this worked out grate for me

  • RE: XQuery in Sql Server 2008

    Yes id did help resolve my issue

    Once again thanks for your help.

  • RE: Veraible Node Name

    Thanks Jacob

    This works for me

  • RE: XQuery in Sql Server 2008

    Thanks for your Help

    This is not Homwork.

    I I have similar Business rqeuirement . and to get answer from foram readers I just simplify my xml.

    My original XML is really complex...

  • RE: XQuery in Sql Server 2008

    I am running this query

    declare @Filt XML='<Filter>















    x.i.value('Node1[1]', 'varchar(1000)') AS Node1,

    x.i.value('Node2[1]', 'varchar(1000)') AS Node2

    FROM @Filt.nodes('Filter/*') x(i)

    Whish gives me o/p as

    Node1 Node2

    100 10

    200 123

    and I am...

  • RE: ROW_Number Help


    That helpd me

  • RE: ROW_Number Help

    yes My o/p is same as this

    I want o/p something like this

    dt ...

  • RE: ROW_Number Help

    yes thats what I my O/P is

    I wat o/p as

    dt ...

  • RE: ROW_Number Help

    DENSE_RANK () is not gives me desire result

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 35 total)