Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)

  • RE: Howto find changes in stored procedure.

    This is a great stored procedure.  Although adding stored procedures to the master db is not recommended, I do add this one.  It is very useful.   It finds occurrences of...

  • RE: Set SINGLE_USER in a scheduled job

    We use the usp_KillUsers stored procedure found here at  (This procedure kills all user processes except the calling one.)  From a job, we run the Kill procedure, have the job wait a...

  • RE: Logged on Users

    Someone posted a useful stored procedure called usp_KillUsers a while back.  I run this sp nightly from a SQL Server job to get rid of any old connections.  Works well.  Do...

  • RE: Question of the Day for 14 Jan 2004

    If I remember correctly the question specified that the application was freezing not frozen.  For that reason I think profiler would be the correct choice.  I believe running profiler with lock and...

  • RE: Deletign a log file: Urgent

    I use these 2 statements as two different steps in a job to back up the log and then truncate it.  Works well.

    Step 1

    BACKUP LOG [MyDB] TO  DISK= 'D:\Backup\MySqlServer\MyDB\MyDbLog.dat'  WITH ...

  • RE: running a dts package from access project

    You can also use VBA and ADO to execute a stored procedure that calls the DTS package. Here's an example of a stored procedure that uses the system stored...

  • RE: Linked Servers - Downside ?

    One advantage to setting up a linked server is that the connection and authentication information already exists when making the query, so the call is much simpler. ...

  • RE: Job failed with access denied on opening datafile

    Under the SQL Agent properties/Connection tab, check to see what account is there. If it's a network account, try using the sa account. This solved a lot of...

  • RE: Any better Ideas that may speed this procedure up?

    A great way to see where the bottleneck(s) in a query are, is to use the "Show Execution Plan" under the "Query" menu item in SQL Analyzer. After the...

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    Well I never did find out exactly what was causing the problem but after installing WIN2000 SP4 and changing the SQL SERVER AGENT connection login to sa, it now works....

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    Thank you for the insight. I forgot all about the right click/package log function! Please read my reply to phillcart about what I came up with as to...

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    Thank you for the reply Phillcart. I did check those tables out and I will keep that in the toolbox for later use. I checked the sysdts tables,...

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    I was hoping it wasn't a literal truncate of the message, but looking at the table yes, that makes sense. I will try your stratedgy. Thank you once...

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    Thank you for your reply. I am not familiar with the just-in-time debugging option, but I will investigate and put into action. Very appreciated. Thanks again!

  • RE: Troubleshooting DTS errors

    Greg thank you for the reply. Yes I enabled logging for the package. But nothing shows for the date when it errors out.

    November 13, 2003 at 12:15 pm


Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 19 total)