Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)

  • RE: multpile id''''s in a parameter

    Check the Multi-Value in Parameters and pass into SP. You then separate passed value in SP before use it if needed.

  • RE: SQL server connection to network share

    From SQL Server that you try to execute a job, from Menu Bar, Start and Run. This just check your SQL server can access the network shared folder or not. The...

  • RE: SQL server connection to network share

    Try to type the path at Run and see SQL server can access the path or not. If not, place IP address and target server name in SQL Server's local...

  • RE: File Transer using SQL

    1.  Enable non-system administrators to execute the xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure in SQL Server 2000 as MS Article 890775

    2.  Create a group and Grand exec xp_cmdshell permission to the...

  • RE: xp_cmdshell with WorkGroup (Not Domain)

    1.   configure a SQL Server Agent proxy account to enable non-system administrators to execute the xp_cmdshell configure a SQL Server Agent proxy account to enable non-system administrators to execute the...

  • RE: File Transer using SQL

    You need to grand sysadmin fix role to the account that you use to run xp_cmdshell procedure.

  • RE: Help!!! Strange Problem of SQL Server 7

    I have the same kind of processing as you do in SQL 70 environment without problem.

    Based on the code that you posted, I think this SP was called more...

  • RE: Programming a loop in a DTS

    Here is another way:

     select @cmd = 'COPY '  + @Source_path + @file + ' ' + @Process_path

     exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

     SELECT @Process_path = @Process_path + '\'

     -- Clean temp table


     -- Import text...

  • RE: Linked Servers

    Create a login with read only permission on ingres DB, then create link server using this login.

  • RE: sql mail/domain help

    What is relationship between domains where Exchange server and SQL Server location? If they arr not trusted, you can not setup exchange client on SQL box and then SQL mail...

  • RE: SQL Mail with @query argument failing

    I found the answer.

    If you set deny permission on build in Administrator, and then the account you use to login SQL services has local/domain admin right, you will get this message...

  • RE: SQL Mail with @query argument failing

    Have you resolved your issue?

    I have the same problem. Could you let me know if you have solution.



  • RE: So what is developer security best practice?

    I never give production server's sa or assign sysadmin role to other developer in normal situation. They all access separate development server as their login with different role based on...

  • RE: Can trigger support for.....

    Replication may be not the best practice here because MSDE is not support Transaction Replication.

    I think that building Middle Tier(COM+) application should work for your case. All clients go through...

  • RE: Can trigger support for.....

    Timer querry from your application is a way to find new record right away. I have the application that does that. To minimize connection, close connection once the Timmered application...

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 28 total)