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Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 158 total)


    No one. However this is a Telco report on CDR's :- CALL DATA RECORDS.

    WE HAVE BILLIONS OF ROWS IN OUR DATABASE. This is a small dataset with parameters. I need...

  • RE: error handling how do I.....

    Why not just use if exsists?

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[Employee]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[Employee]

  • RE: how can i get 2nd or 3dr highest salary

    Here a quick and dirty way....

    (depending how many rows are in employee)


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TEMP#] (

     [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [employee_id] [int] NULL ,

     [Salary] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


  • RE: Pivot Table Generator Code

    IMHO Is not pivot in sql 2005 the better option for sql 2005?

  • RE: full text search question


    where contains(OmMemo,' "W034" ') 

    That should work

  • RE: Executing DTS package from SP

    Why don't you try DTSRUN.......

  • RE: reasons why agent when checked does not start on reboot

    Try this....

    Go to the servers SERVICES and look for a SQLSERVERAGENT service. Make sure that its start up type is set to automatic.

  • RE: reasons why agent when checked does not start on reboot

    Is the server clustered? If so you must manage start it with cluster services ....

  • RE: xp_sendmail error msg 18030

    The xp_sendmail proc uses SQL Mail if the profile is not set up it cannot work. Have you actually seen the other procs work?

  • RE: MOM - Database Health

    I do not know MOM. But in the mean time,untill someone who knows MOM replies, did you check the SQL Server logs for any errors on the database? Do your...

  • RE: Splitting TB database

    I do not have any databases that are larger than 1TB. I suppose it is just trial and error. Good luck!

  • RE: xp_sendmail error msg 18030


    Using Enterprise Manager click on support services, right click on SQL Mail.

    The SQL Mail Configuration form has Profile Name and test button. What happens if you click the test button?

  • RE: MOM - Database Health

    Vera, I cannot see the error message.....

  • RE: Job Problem

    When you run a sp from QUERY Analyser it runs with your account.

    When you schedule a job it runs by the owner specified in the general tab on the job....

  • RE: SQL query with Join

    You should have another table with the managers id's I called it manager. Then you join like this........

    SELECT    LOGON.userid,LOGON.Firstname,LOGON.lastname,,MANAGER.FirstName,MANAGER.LastName


                          MANAGER ON LOGON.managerID = MANAGER.UserID

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 158 total)