Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: When To Touch

    From the editorial: "There are times that you might be tempted to change things in a database built a software company, or add objects to that database. In many...

  • RE: DBA: Mentor vs. Protector

    First, let me state that I'm a developer, not a DBA, so obviously I'm biased 😛

    In the company I work for, DBA responsibilities are really spread out all over the...

  • RE: Checking Up on Developers

    ...If you're selling a product, I think you ought to know how to tune it for a database. If you don't, I'd like to see some recourse for clients. Maybe...

  • RE: A Lack of Data Quality

    I know this seems like a grey area or a victimless crime to a lot of people, but if you're receiving something you didn't earn then you should report it....

  • RE: Stump the Wizard

    We play a memory game, not sure what it's called.  Here are the rules, basically:

    Suppose you have 3 players, numbered by going clockwise in the vehicle, players 1-3.

    Player 1 says "I'm...

  • RE: The IT Career

    I agree with your general statement that you should be doing what you love to do.  In real life, though, I would alter it a bit.  I'd say you should...

  • RE: Data At Home

    My main machine has 60 GB primary and 160 GB data.  My wife's machine has 40 GB primary and 120 GB data.  My MythTV box has a single 250 GB drive.

    For a...

  • RE: Home Sweet Home

    I now live and work in Wichita, KS.  I was born 40 miles from here, and grew up about 60 miles from here.  I even went to college about 60...

  • RE: The Certification Debate

    "To me you should know how to do the work, understand the product and be able to act in a competent manner before you seek a certification. At that point,...

  • RE: Does it help?

    Perhaps there's money to be made here.  I totally agree that 2 monitors is better for doing actual work than one monitor, but what if a huge, fancy, wide monitor...

  • RE: Tools You Need

    I use RedGate's SQL Compare too, and for the most part it works great, but I wish there was a way to set a tolerance on float values.  By that...

  • RE: ETL

    Stephen, I definitely agree with you.  Most of the ETL that I do is simply writing SQL.  But sometimes there's no linked server available and then I have to use...

  • RE: Humble Beginnings

    When I was in High School I wrote a pascal program for my dad to use at work.  You would impute the certain aspects of a roll of steel, such as...

  • RE: Measuring Performance

    This has been said already, and alternate examples given, but the first thing that jumped out at me is that both given solutions rely on the rownum column, and therefore...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)