Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 87 total)

  • RE: Changing of the Guard

    I find the 90 day password expiratoin policy to be a nuisance as well as a completely worthless and unproven "security measure". Instead you should be educating people to...

  • RE: Virtualization Hints

    For development and QA, virtual servers work great. Here are the specs of one I put together that is running a virtual database server, web server, three XP systems,...

  • RE: Flash

    I came across this a couple months ago.

    Samsung SSD Awesomeness

    It's pretty cool and I wish I could afford something like it.

  • RE: Secure Programming

    I like Charles's list as well and am kind of an extremist too. The solution to solving SQL Injection attacks is simply for every RDBMS system to flat out...

  • RE: taking sql server backup on different machine

    We originally had just the RAID 1 configuration consisting of two 300 GB SAS drives, partitioned into a C: drive of 25 GB and a D: drive of 275 GB....

  • RE: taking sql server backup on different machine

    For all of you doing local backups, I'd like to know how big the database is that you are backing up and what type of disk subsystem you have (RAID...

  • RE: XML XQuery problem

    Could someone give me a code example of this that does work. I tried:

    DECLARE @xml xml;

    DECLARE @expression nvarchar(128);

    SET @xml =


    <book price=''31'' name=''SQL Server Central'' Author=''Steve Jones''/>


    --SET @expression =...

  • RE: What Does Support Look Like?

    I'd like to know, for how many people, does this actually matter? I would think that if you are still running SQL Server 2000, chances are you don't have...

  • RE: Guest editorial: SQL Code Metrics

    .NET has been around for less than 10 years and look at the vast number of tools and features it has available. There is a tool called FXCop, now...

  • RE: Guest editorial: SQL Code Metrics

    Nobody has replied to this yet? Well maybe this might spark some debate.

    The thing I started thinking about while reading this article is how terrible of a programming language...

  • RE: The September 2008 Car Update

    My 1987 Corvette with an all digital dash. I drive it every day here in Phoenix, AZ and as you can see average 23.0 MPG. I can also...

  • RE: The Release Schedule

    arobbins (9/18/2008)

    Every morning at 9AM there is one meeting...

    A 9 AM meeting every morning? I'd quit that job. In fact I have.

    I think the company should get rid...

  • RE: The August 2008 Energy Update

    Have you guys checked out Here is a small article and sample video to see how it works. Then you can go to the site yourself and...

  • RE: Knock, Knock…Who's There?

    Nobody has mentioned flatulence yet? Come on, farting is always funny. It has never gone out of style. Doesn't matter your race, color, or creed. Want...

  • RE: The Multiple Instance Dilemna

    I use passwords like, "Changing a password every 30 days is ridiculous".


    "Having a separate username/password per instance isn't necessary"

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 87 total)