Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 86 total)

  • RE: Any alternatives to Query Analyzer?

    I use DBArtisan myself but it is rather expensive. I believe the less expensive version is RapidSQL but I think it is sold only for specific databases as opposed...

  • RE: How to Break a While ?????

    It's rather interesting that this topic has come up. I had adjusted an old proc the other day and put it through the release process here. The DBAs...

  • RE: Update Multiple Rows

    Your Update statement is fine. Don't bother with doing an IN as it will have no effect.

    There has to be other code being executed for you to be getting...

  • RE: Update gone mad

    Just thought I'd point out that if you truly have reason codes = '' you could reduce your WHERE clause as follows:

    WHERE IsNull(REASON_CODE_5, '') = ''

  • RE: Accessing all rows in an Update Trigger

    I believe you could simply do something like


    --if one of the rows was updated then use something like...

    SELECT *

    FROM inserted i, deleted d

    WHERE =

    AND IsNull(i.col_one,...

  • RE: how to call stored procedures of SQLServer

    I do all my stored procedure calling right in the ASP page. Below would be an example of VBS portion of an ASP page doing such a call:

    Set oConn...

  • RE: Update Trigger Question

    Until recently I haven't had to deal with databases set with cascading triggers turned on. Several years ago we did look into turning this on and decided that the...

  • RE: copy DTS jobs between servers

    Did you look at BOL? There are a couple of items to check there.

    1) Under "Managing DTS Package Programs" there is a section at the bottom titled "Saving...

  • RE: How to pronounce SQL

    Gee, I wanted to hear what people had to say about VARCHAR and CHAR.

    As for SQL, when I use it with MS SQL Server I do say "sequel". If...

  • RE: Stored Procedure Execution Problems


    If you are doing a GROUP BY you can drop the DISTINCT. This may speed it up a bit as well.


  • RE: Other databases

    I've used FileMakerPro on Mac & PC, Oracle on PC and Unix, Sybase, Access, SQL Server, 4th Dimension (more of an integrated gui/db). I've always wanted to look at...

  • RE: data security

    Since you don't want to have to limit access via stored procs you could try this approach (my assumption is that you only have one owner for a record):

    1) ...

  • RE: Making a column uneditable

    Couple of comments with the assumption that you aren't worried by users with SysAdmin. If there is someone you can't trust with that level of access then your problems...

  • RE: rtrim don't trim off any spaces

    Don't know why I didn't think to shorten this up even more. Here ya go



    -- Fill in your own select


  • RE: rtrim don't trim off any spaces

    Here's another approach:

    Set @i=1

    While @i<=DataLength(@Tmp)


    If Not (SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[A-Z]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[a-z]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) LIKE '[0-9]' Or

    SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)=' ')

    Select @i 'Position' , SubString(@Tmp,@i,1) 'char value',Ascii(SubString(@Tmp,@i,1)) 'Ascii value'

    Set @i=@i+1


Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 86 total)