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  • RE: Cannot insert PK higher than 10

    Can these two SELECT statements be mergerd into one with the ORDER BY happening first?

    SELECT [controlNum], [transDate] FROM [EDI_Control].[dbo].[InterchangeControl] WHERE controlNum > 0 ORDER BY [transDate];

    SELECT [controlNum], [transDate] FROM [EDI_Control].[dbo].[InterchangeControl]...

  • RE: Cannot insert PK higher than 10

    Yes I know that. I think a 10 is trying to be inserted again because of the way the table is sorted... Mapforce sees the 9 as the last...

  • RE: Cannot insert PK higher than 10

    1. Good question. I made it char(9) because the field I'm mappping it to is a 9 character fixed length field. That was my thinking at the time.


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