Forum Replies Created

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

  • RE: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired

    For Dinesh,

    I have installed the latest Service Pack for SQL Server before I post the message earlier on but it does not work.

    Anyhow, I have solve the problem with MDAC...

  • RE: Database Migration from Access97 to SQL Server 7.0

    I have a problem here. When I'm testing my program on a stand-a-lone PC, everything goes fine. However, when I try to package the program and install it in a...

  • RE: Database Migration from Access97 to SQL Server 7.0

    Please do let me know if you know the solution. Please tell/show me how it works. Many many thanks.

  • RE: Key Fields

    You are right, Sushila. Initially, the code fragment below:

    For Each idx In tbl.Indexes

            If idx.PrimaryKey = True Then

                Set KeyFields = idx.Columns

                Exit For

            End If

    Next idx

    the debugged result for...

  • RE: Key Fields

    Forgot the attachment of codes

    Private Function SelectQuery() As String

       Dim strsql As String

       Dim iIndex As Integer

       Dim colKeyFields As IndexFields



  • RE: Key Fields

    Actually the debugger does not pass through the line. It was like treating it as invisible. However, if we ammend the line like this, the debugger will continue with the...

  • RE: Key Fields

    Sorry, making a correction here.

    Does the coding below contains any errors?


    Dim con as new ADODB.connection

    Dim rs as new ADODB.Recordset

    Dim strsql as string

    With con

       .Provider = "MSDASQL"

       .ConnectionString = "driver={SQL Server};server=ServerName;uid=..;pwd...

  • RE: Key Fields


    The debugger stop at this line, even after I tried many tables with or without Primary Key. The index is equal to nothing.

    For Each idx In tbl.Indexes

            If idx.PrimaryKey...

  • RE: Key Fields

    Thanks JLSSCH and Sushila.

    I will try it out and get back to you all when there more problems. But before that can...

  • RE: Key Fields

    Thanks Sushila.

    But there's some more queries here.

    Here is the code. Please note the data type declared. Note...

  • RE: SQL Server Queries!!

    Thanks a lot Sam!

    However, as you said, we are using the .mdb format. Is it possible to connect to SQL Server DB using ADO? Will it be tedious to make...

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)