Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 167 total)

  • RE: The Identity Debate

    I use GUIDs as my PK for pretty much every table that has "meaningful" data, relegating any natural keys to a secondary role. Our reasoning behind GUIDs versus identity...

  • RE: The January Car Update

    I think you're right on by looking at the airline industry for huge reductions in oil dependency. Interestingly, the US Air Force has been exploring alternate fuels such as...

  • RE: Do We Need a PK?

    I'm with MattieNH in that a table where you know you'll only have one row (such as a table that holds system configuration settings, etc) wouldn't need a PK. ...

  • RE: SQL for numeric ranges

    Sweet! Thanks, I think that will do the trick.

  • RE: SQL for numeric ranges

    I need to generate a report listing what ID ranges have been used.

  • RE: SQL for numeric ranges

    Jeff... thanks for the reply. That code works like a champ, but unfortunately I need the IDs that are present, not the ones missing. My ID range will...

  • RE: What Could Go Wrong?

    I work with an organization in Arlington, VA who is on the 2nd floor of one of the high-rises in Crystal City. A well-known "prime" steakhouse is located on...

  • RE: The SQL Server 2005 XML Temptress

    I currently have 2579 XML documents stored in the DB (about 44meg) and we have 579 users. Yeah, our system is pretty small in comparison to what you were...

  • RE: The SQL Server 2005 XML Temptress

    I'm currently using "classic ASP" for this system as it's web-based, so I extract the XML using an ADO recordset, load an MSXML IXMLDOMDocument object using the LoadXML method, then...

  • RE: The SQL Server 2005 XML Temptress

    I'm the developer of a system that creates security documentation (DoD-mandated). These documents are around 40+ pages and the system has a "wizard" for leading the user section-by-section to...

  • RE: How to know new records

    Don't forget there is a table called "inserted" that contains newly added/updated records which you can access via a FOR INSERT or FOR UPDATE trigger.

  • RE: Listing of stored procedures

    You can also use the "Generate SQL Script" option thru EM by right-clicking on a database and selecting this option from "All Tasks". You'll be able to select which...

  • RE: Extract data to read-only format (a bit off topic...)

    I think I like Ian's last suggestion. We'll hire a contractor and tell them it's for a "short term" position. 🙂 Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I'll...

  • RE: Extract data to read-only format (a bit off topic...)

    Gift Peddie... the problem with that approach is that PDF requires a security password be set. You also have to confirm the password, so you can't just hit a...

  • RE: PDF to BLOB with VB6

    Here's some VB6 code. This is cut-and-pasted, slightly modified, from something I've done, so it might not be 100% right...



    FileID ...

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 167 total)