Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 167 total)

  • RE: PDF to BLOB with VB6

    Not familiar with kofax, but if you're using "pure" VB6 and ADO to write to SQL Server, open the PDF file into an ADO Stream object, then write to an...


    Maybe it's best for you to define exactly what you mean by "I have an application developed in .NET". Did you develop this app? If so, please explain...


    It depends on exactly how you're making your SQL connection. Typically you'll have a SqlClient.SqlConnection object and you'll be setting the ConnectionString property (review the subject "connection strings" beneath...


    Based on your statements "nor is it programmed to act as a client/server" and "I just pretend that a user in a LAN can query/update the data base", you might...

  • RE: A Big Fix

    I am developing a VB.NET 2.0 WinForms application. My solution has 8 separate projects and over 220 total .vb files. I ran into the problem described in the...

  • RE: A Look at GUIDs

    GUIDs also add a level of security, as was noted in the article, which is especially important in government and military developed applications. I develop a number of security-related...

  • RE: What is CV ?

    Check the Wikipedia...

  • RE: Insert the pdf file

    What dev environment/user interface are you using? For example, if you are using classic ASP, you can just do something like this:

    rs.Open... ' get a recordset with the data


  • RE: Connector

    What do you mean "it can't handle large strings"? I'm using SqlClient.SqlConnection to read/write large TEXT fields as well as IMAGE fields just fine...

  • RE: Registring Local SQL server (SQL 2000)

    As noeld said... or you might have a PERSONAL EDITION disk with your Standard version. Our CD set has 2 disks -- standard and Personal. Use Personal on...

  • RE: How can I insert & update image

    Here is the table structure I use:

    FileID uniqueidentifier

    FileNM varchar(255) -- just the filename,...

  • RE: How can I insert & update image

    If you're doing this thru an application (VB, ASP, etc) you can also use stored procedures that pass image parameters called via ADO, ADO.NET, etc.

  • RE: how do i copy projects from visual studio 2003 to vs 2005

    When you open a VS2003 project in VS2005, it does indeed prompt for conversion and it also offers to make a backup first. Probably not a bad idea to...

  • RE: More than one Text data type in a table

    Storing XML in text/ntext columns works like a champ. You can also use INSERT and UPDATE statements in stored procs just fine to update these columns. I do...

  • RE: relationship diagrams

    As for "2. Is it possible to create a relationship diagram without actually implementing the relationships ?"

    You can create a diagram with no referential integrity by clearing all three checkboxes...

Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 167 total)