Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

  • RE: Mail to be sent based on data

    I came accross this problem a year ago, but we wanted mail 15.000 reports to customers using varying report types (.txt,csv,.xls).

    You need to first assess what do you need in...

  • RE: How to insert more than one value into one field in the database?

    Think you mean a list box

    Yes add a list box to the form, populate the values into the list box based on your Specialty...

  • RE: Replicated tables owned by DBO

    Hi Shawn

    Well first off, you need to create the TestPartner account on all subscribers, using same password giving it dbo permissions on the database your replicating to. You then need...

  • RE: SQL Server Need to be dedicated server?

    This is a very bad situation your in, as this server is now a single critical point of failiure for all Your Applications and DB's. Simply bad architecture. If you...

  • RE: Moving your SQL install

    Your problem is your Model DB path has also been taken away, so SQL cant find it on startup.

    If possible move the Model Db to the new Drive location -...

  • RE: Reclaim space from Dropped Columns

    Good grief, no indexes and no Primary key on a 50GB table?

     How many weeks did it take to run a simple SELECT satement?

  • RE: Reclaim space from Dropped Columns

    Yes your right Shawn, sorted_data_reorg was stopped being supported in SQL 7.0, used to be a feautre in SQL 6.5, but its still being used by sqlmaint. Standard DBCC reindex...

  • RE: Reclaim space from Dropped Columns

    I Find with really large tables rclaiming space is a bit of an issue when dropping columns.

    I was puzzled before as to why i could not reclaim space from a...

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)