Forum Replies Created

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

  • RE: I/O Counters

    Yes, with 'visited' I meant 'hit'. In most cases high numbers of hits of the same DB-page in memory are primary causes of high CPU usage in the database...

  • RE: I/O Counters

    In order to trace physical I/O's there's a 'dbcc iotrace' command around, that might give you the statistics you want:

    iotrace ( { 'dbname' | dbid | 0 | -1 },...

  • RE: Performance Counters

    If you are using hardware raid you should take the total number of disks into account when looking at those numbers.

    Also note that 'Queue lenght' and '% disk time' are...

  • RE: I/O Counters

    I agree with Ray that the logical I/O is a correct number of the db-pages visited. It will indeed give you a 'logical' cost you can compare.

  • RE: CPU USAGE VERY HIGH (97% Consistently)

    14000 (ms) is quite high for a 'simple select' but are you sure you are looking onyl at one 'select'? The cpu column is cumulative for all the work done...


    Pagiolatch_sh is counted when you do physical I/O's from your queries. It depends on what you expect from your queries whether this wait is a problem. If you expect a...

  • RE: I/O Counters

    I think ::fn_virtualfilestats will give you the most accurate numbers (if you can isolate your test on a test database without other users using the same files)

    also the physical I/O...

  • RE: Raid performance

    During some testing I found some info that might interest you..:

    When using the default read-ahead setting of SQLServer, it reads 32*8192 byte 'clusters' at the time (using ReadFileScattered)

    It looks like...

  • RE: CPU USAGE VERY HIGH (97% Consistently)

    You should be able to figure out which user/sql-process is consuming cpu by looking at the cpu columns of sysprocesses. From the other info in there you might be able...

  • RE: CXPacket Wait Type

    Waiting for CXpacket is normal behaviour for a parallelized query. Appearently there was a in the past, where one(!) of the indications was waiting on the type: the real problem...

  • RE: How much disk I/O is 'a lot'?

    After reading this topic I ran some tests that shows me something different about LIO and PIO's, as shown by 'set statistics IO on'..

    If I do a scan on a...


    Hi Mark (et all)

    Currently I'm preparing a talk for a (the) DB Forum in Denmark partly about this subject.

    As an Oracle performance guy I was challenged to get comparable...

  • RE: unknown processes

    With a search in the 'MSSQL\Install' directory, you can find both 'create procedures' in 2 different .sql files.

    The .get_perf_counters sp collects data from sysalerts and joins it with sysperfinfo.


  • RE: CPU field in sysprocesses

    Since I'm currently investigating where time is spend in SQLServer (I'm used to the abundance of timing and wait event info in Oracle..) I found the @@CPU_TIME is *not* as...

Viewing 14 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)